

Common situation

Boxing involves repetitive and forceful movements, such as punching. Without proper support, your wrists are vulnerable to strain and injury. If you’re consistently training without giving your wrists sufficient rest, they may become inflamed and painful over time.

Wrist wraps provide crucial support by stabilizing the wrist joint, reducing the risk of hyperextension or sprains.

Boxing gloves with insufficient padding can lead to excessive shock absorption by your wrists when making contact with the target.

Investing in quality gloves with proper padding can help alleviate this issue!

Why does it happen?

During a punch, your wrist can easily overextend, leading to painful conditions like hyperextension or even fractures. However wrist wraps limit the range of motion, preventing excessive extension and helping maintain proper alignment.

When your wrists are properly supported, you can throw punches more effectively and with greater power, which also translates to improved punching technique and overall performance. While doing shadowboxing (punching no object, through the air) its not needed but when punching a boxing bag, pads or doing sparring, it is crucial to support your wrists!

Not using wraps or wrist wraps can leave your wrists vulnerable but properly wrapping your hands can provide essential support and protection to the wrist joint!

Incorrect technique

Using incorrect punching technique, such as not maintaining a straight wrist, can put excessive strain on the wrist joint. This can result in pain and discomfort, especially if your’re hitting a heavy bag or focus mitts with poor form.

Also prioritize a thorough warm-up routine and stretching exercises to prepare your wrists and muscles for training. Failing to warm up adequately before training can increase the risk of muscle stiffness (pain in your wrists).

Proper warm-up exercises help prepare your wrists and the surrounding muscles for the demands of boxing. Focus on using your entire body to generate power in your punches and strikes, rather than relying solely on your wrists. Engage your core and hips to reduce strain on your wrists. 

Avoid overuse by incorporating variation into your training routine. Don’t solely focus on high-impact punches and strikes; include drills that allow your wrists to rest. Ensure that your wrists are aligned with your fists when striking.

Avoid  bending your wrist at an angle during punches or strikes, as this can strain the wrist joint.

The importance of rest and recover

After training give your wrists enough time to rest and recover, because overuse can exacerbate pain and injuries. Reducing the intensity of your training or temporarily switching to lighter exercises that put less strain on your wrists, can also help with wrist pain.

If you notice minor wrist soreness after training, apply ice to the affected area to reduce inflammation.

Rest your wrists and avoid strenuous activities until the soreness subsides. However, if the pain is severe, persistent, or accompanied by swelling or other concerning symptoms, it’s essential to consult a healthcare professional or a sports medicine specialist for a proper evaluation and diagnosis.

If you’ve had a previous wrist injury, even a minor one, it can make your wrists more susceptible to pain and discomfort during training. It’s essential to allow these injuries to fully heal and to take extra precautions when training.

How to choose the hand wraps

Wrist wraps come in various lengths and materials, allowing you to customize the level of compression and support you need. This adaptability ensures that you can tailor your wrist protection to your specific training and comfort requirements.

Choosing the correct boxing wraps is important for your safety and comfort when training or competing in boxing. 

The length and material

The lengths of the wraps typically range from 2,5m-4m. Longer wraps provide more coverage and support, but they may be a bit bulkier. Shorter wraps are easier to put on but offer less coverage and support. Choose a length based on your personal preference and hand size.

They are typically made from cotton or a blend of cotton and synthetic materials. Cotton wraps are breathable and comfortable but may stretch over time.

Synthetic blends are more durable and less likely to stretch out, but they may not be as breathable. Choose the material that suits your preferences. Wraps come in different thicknesses and levels of elasticity.

Thicker wraps offer more padding and protection, while less elastic wraps provide greater stability. Thin, elastic wraps are easier to wrap tightly around your hands and may be preferred by some boxers for a snug fit. 

Remember that the choice of boxing wraps is a personal one, and what works for one boxer may not work for another. Experiment with different options to find the wraps that offer the best combination of comfort and protections for your hands and wrists.

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